Quote Originally Posted by Cole View Post
It is interesting to note that Gormach district is mentioned in this new article, and Wikipedia says it is 97% Pashtun. Wikipedia of "Gormach district" also said it was part of Badghis province which is 62% Tajik and only 28% Pashtun as a whole. But wait, another Wikipedia says Gormach is NOW (as of Dec 2008) part of adjacent Faryab province...which is 53.5% Uzbek, 27% Tajik, and just 13% Pashtun. See the problem? A small Pashtun district that the Taliban is "invading" is surrounded by non-Pashtuns.
First of all. Afghan population data is notouriosly unreliable. That said, the article is about Qeysar, not Gormach. The TB allready controls Gormach, this story is about how they are effectively advancing into Uzbek dominated Qeysar and taking control over Uzbek villages unchecked.