Quote Originally Posted by 120mm View Post
An interesting proposal would be, at the end of the year tour, the Reservist would have automatic seniority for an FS job over any FS personnel with comparable skill set who had not been to Iraq.

Tell Kenworth Malcom III that he needs to call Buffy and the kids and to pack his "desert" loafers with tassels.
What is the FS going to do with those skill sets once they acquire them and bring 'em into the fold? There may be a reason why those skills aren't resident within the diplomatic corps as it is.

Is the FS even the target audience for broadening its horizons and skills? I would have thought that USAID would benefit the most from members who aren't afraid to go into the breach and face dangerous situations.

I honestly don't see the DoS re-structuring to accomodate these skill sets, but rather letting out contracts to do it. Heck, with BW Aviation, they'd even have the rotary-wing assets to move the PRT personnel around and avoid the dangerous LOCs.