Quote Originally Posted by COMMAR View Post
All the East Coast MEUs have already deployed w/them. 4 M-777 LW155s & 4 EFSS ITV/120mm combos (et al).
Ok. But I'm trying to get my head (too big for the miniscule brain contained within it) just why this arrangement is deem desirable. Ok, so you've got the 81mm mortar plt in the Bn weapons coy...so why a composite 120mm/155mm battery, why not just a pure battery of 155mm (yes, I know lift and deployment considerations come in to it but, for my money, the idea of a "rapid" reaction force or capability is a mis-nomer. Time is relative). Why not just replace the 81s with 120s (same manpower requirements IIRC)? If its a question of retaining the man-packable requirement then I understand but long range 81s have near identical ranges as 120s (excepting lethality of course). With this set up a MEU has to deal with four different ammunition cailbres (60, 81,120,155) not to mention the different natures. Don't mean to be a, (best French accent) how you say, dunce but it intrigues me is all.

As an aside I don't much care for the recent sprouting of UK "cheerleaders" (I'm a cultural/political conservative) but I suppose they do have their uses (in terms of morale, I mean)