Posted by Bob's World,

"Mr. President, our initial assessment is that the current government lacks legitimacy in the eyes of their own populace, and our intervention will not only exacerbate that condition; but because of it we will likely end up in a campaign that could take years rather than months.
Great advice that I hope the Secretary of State shares with the President, and I hope the CJCS concurs with her.

CJCS with SECDEF's concurance says to the President, "Sir, based on the Secretary's assessment I think the military role should be----------------------------, in order to achieve your political objectives. There are several risks that we'll face with this approach, and if the State Department fails to achieve its objectives of course the military will be left holding the bag, and then America will be looking for a military solution for a non military problem. I recommend we go back to the drawing board sir, and design a plan that minimizes our risk of getting stuck in a quagmire that will drain our miliary resources and increase our risk elsewhere in the world."