Quote Originally Posted by M-A Lagrange View Post
Not sure that would be such a bad thing. We cannot have 2 weights for such things as genocides. What ever your contribution is, the political challenge of replacing you (and please not by zimbabwean soldiers...) cannot compete with the gravity of the crime.
When the (Zimbabwean) Gukurahundi genocide took place in the early 80's the Brits (Margret *#@*# Thatcher) let it slide, then the Rwandan and Bosnian genocides saw Bill #@*#@ Clinton frozen in indecision after the "Black Hawk Down" debacle just sit on his hands.

Did anyone think a deterrent with regard to mass murder/rape and genocide had been established? I suggest the thugs of the world thought "see they got away with it then so can I".

Now we read that some gutless bureaucrats at the UN delay the publication of the report based on a concern about upsetting the (alleged) perpetrator.

When was the last time we had significant political leader with balls?