Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post
What issue is being misrepresented? This forum isn't a military unit executing policy, it's a place for open discussion of all aspects of small wars, including policy and how it might be adjusted to make our current sort of military engagement, which might reasonably be thought ill advised on many levels, might be avoided in the future.
Agree. But we have to differentiate between Policy and Strategy. That was my point. Discussion here often fails to differentiate the two, in a useful way.
Policy is not a plan. It's an objective. Strategy has to conform to policy, until it has cycled through tactics, which bear on the policy.

As for speaking above the pay grade, there aren't any pay grades here. To the best of my knowledge, nobody's getting paid to post here (if anyone is, please let me know how to get in on that racket).
Poor use of metaphor on my part.