Carl. I just read my old hometown newspaper. Farmers mostly live up there and I see where some of the farm women had sent some quilts they made over to some troops. The lady in charge of the operation thanked everyone and mentioned that not only would those quilts provide warmth but they could be used in times of sand storms. So I asked myself, how does a farm wife from our heartland know about sand storms in Iraq? Well, the answer is simple, she not only reads and keeps generally abreast of events but she has alot of common sense and common values so typical of our people. If a quilt on a farm could be used to wrap a new born, wet calf in the winter, kids in a stranded car, to cover a broken window in an emergency to keep out some of the cold or to smother a fire with, it certainly could be used against blowing sand. Common sense tells the common people that if we cut and run from Iraq, many jihadists and terrorists are not going to be content to leave it at that. Their energy and capability will continue to be deployed against our interests elsewhere, quite possibly here at home again. We the People know the wolf has to be kept away from the door.