I find it quite worying that populist politicians both in Europe as in the US are increasing their popularity and spreading fear, in the name of the fight against radical islam. (a great example of this is Geert Wilders)
While actually they are in my view forwarding the cause of radical islam, by attacking all muslims including moderate muslims or muslims who identify themselves as muslims but wouldnt mind a looser interpretation of certain religious customs (ramadam is one), they actually alienate those muslims and drive them towards more radical groups.
A better way to combat radical Islam in the western world (or maybe even in the framework of the GWOT), would be to encourage as many willing imams to get together and preach a less strict form of Islam and which would incorporate westernized values (separation of faith and state), and use this to counter radical islamists and anti-islam populists.

Similarly, Europeans are much more likely to support restricting the ways in which Muslims may dress
I also support a ban on the burqa (complete coverage) in public places, not because the moral implications but simply because you cant see who is underneath, in the same way that it is not allowed to wear a balaklava when you go out in public.