Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
82Redleg, Xenophonand jkm 101 FSO can certainly provide more accurate info than I can.

However, IIRC, most crews rig faster than the 'standard' which for some obscure reason specifies only two people to rig. Don't need the whole crew but four can do it without getting in each other's way. Haven't seen a 777 rigged but the book time is the same for the M198 and I've seen that rigged and gone in about 10 minutes. Derigging depends on whether in combat or not -- if not, the crew has to be careful with the Slings and other gear so it can all be reused. In combat that's frequently not a concern. Derigging can be done in about half the rigging time -- then you can wait for the prime mover...

I've seen M102s derigged from an airdrop platform, far more webbing and padding than for sling loading, in a little over five minutes in exercises here in CONUS. Also seen them fired within 5 minutes of landing as a sling load with minimal to no derigging but that was with pretty highly experienced crews (and FOs) in Viet Nam where one could omit steps for effectiveness or speed, little things like survey...

That probably couldn't be replicated today due to safety restrictions...

LINK. M777 is at the bottom of the page.
Absolutely, in my time during an ORTT(operational readiness training test) you not only had to derig but shoot live rounds from the drop zone within a specified period of time. We were Airborne, what are safety restrictions sounds like Coast Guard stuff.