If it's beer drinking...definitely !

I have some of the English material (4 plus inches) on tons of paper.

Yes, it was constructive, easy to comprehend, and the instructors were from all over, even The Ukraine.

Our scenario was constructed because our structure separates what most LE and Rescue do as one (Responding to EOD, CNBC and post blast). Our LE act as responders until such time as we arrive and they stand down for the clear to proceed. We also did not incorporate civil institutions like Border and Customs (all relevant info when the puzzle comes together later).

The last course was designed to teach us all the elements that bring us to a collectively formed conclusion. Sort of CSI Miami in 3 days or less. They do in 45 minutes with commercials

In sum, great instructors and content from ATF, FBI and CSC.

Regards, Stan