Quote Originally Posted by Entropy View Post
I guess I'm a "humiliatingclimbdowntra" then
'Humiliatingclimbdowntro' is the masculine -- so that's more appropriate. Though you can of course use the appellation of your choice.

Avoid extraneous letters; a humiliatingclimbdowntroll is, of course, a tiny, fat, red faced gnome like creature with funny ears and a scraggly beard who busily searches the internet for humiliatingclimbdownists or istas / istos of any sex, sexuality, ethnicity, religious persuasion, trade, profession, service, grade or rank.

Replacement Keyboards will be cheerfully issued at 1505 S (UTC-06) today only at this facility. The facility will close promptly at 1507 S. If you have two, draw one, if you have one, turn one in...