Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
Anyone else notice how similar our approach to Insurgency and/or terrorism is to our approach to drugs?
I think your eight step program (plus Slap's step zero) very well describes our 100 year war on drugs. It is a strain though to apply it to our small wars abroad.

Those small wars involve motivations like political ideology, religious zealotry, megalomania and interference by mischief making, malicious nation states. Drugs are a matter of people wanting to get high or get rich. That makes a very great difference.

Commander Reyes in the SWJ blog Plan Mexico post makes some recommendations, such as lightnening up on marijuana in Mexico, that will not be popular with American drug warriors. Does anyone know how widespread that opinion is in Mexico especially amongst the police and military? If Mexico were to reduce or eliminate the criminal penalties associated with marijuana, boy would that stimulate the bidding at imperial headquarters.