Quote Originally Posted by Ron Humphrey View Post
You make it sounds so ominous, all (you guys done lost your mojo-ish)

Don't seem that hard to understand to me, then again I'm kinda a simple guy.

Since you seem to like to present things in more human to human vs state v state context try this one on for size.

If someone in the family is havin problems with their neighbor and you of course offer to walk over to the neighbors with them to "talk it out" Just cause the old guy in the house on one side of them ask you not to step on his new grass, and you comply and go the other direction doesn't mean you -

1- Were scared of nor deterred by the old man (i mean we all know how hard it is the get new grass to grow)

2- Didn't make it to the door to have the "heart to heart"
That analogy does not relate to what is being discussed. You care to try again?