Quote Originally Posted by Entropy View Post

I'm an ex-Navy Air Force guy who has participated in real-world contingency planning. I know the process.
That is not evident in what you have posted on this thread.

What I am saying is that air strikes aren't going to get you there. We can wreck a lot of things in Iran with air power - we can pretty much destroy their air force, navy, air defense and economy, but the idea that air power can take out Iran's nuclear program is wishful thinking. Air strikes won't get you there - all they'll do is degrade Iran's capabilities. This isn't Entropy's classified assessment or Entropy blowing smoke or Entropy lacking the cajones. The Chairman of the Joint Chief's has publicly said the same thing, the SECDEF too, as have numerous military experts on the topic and others who are in positions to know.
I appeal to you to maintain some emotional discipline.

You will not be able to ascertain what air power will or will not be able to achieve unless you have knowledge of the aim. On what aim (with what limitations) do you base these defeatist statements on?

I mean really, airstrikes on Iran have been discussed for at least the past six years. No doubt there has been much contingency planning during that period. We've also had six years of Israel threatening to "do something" but of course, they're not capable of taking the nuclear program out either (unless they use their nukes - and all I can do is pray they are not that stupid). If Israel thought it could succeed with air strikes it would have shut up and done them long ago.
Like with the other guy maybe you missed that the Israelis have done something twice before (1981 - Iraq, 2007 - Syria). Now what makes you think they will do nothing this time around?

If you are going to get involved with unemotional contingency planning you need to get beyond prayer and unsubstantiated assumptions. (Seriously)