Quote Originally Posted by M-A Lagrange View Post
Actually, it's not really a question of choice and feelings.
The Law of War (The Hage convention) in its article 23 is pretty clear:
Art 23
- c: It is forbidden to kill those who are disarmed
- d: It is forbidden to declare no quarter.

The Geneva Convention is even clearer on that matter.

Taking prisonner is an objective (for intelligence) AND an OBLIGATION at the momment an opponent is surrending.
OK clearly we don't shoot or allow prisoners to be shot - that includes "mercy-style killings" like that of that Canadian Captain.

OK so where do you draw the line as to how much preparatory bombardment and supporting fire is needed on a given objective?

Are you suggesting that a soldier is obligated to attempt to take prisoners under all circumstances or do you accept that it is enough to honour bona fide attempts to surrender where and when they occur?