Quote Originally Posted by Tukhachevskii View Post
That'll be one hell of a circle to square, IMO you can have one or tthe other, not both. US presence in N.E. Asia provides a security umbrella. Withrdrawing or downplaying that security garuntee (which is essentially what it is) is going to increase pressure for regional players to resort to "self help", i.e. aqcuire nuclear weapons.
Not even squaring the circle, more like the impossible dream.

I can't understand what the concern is about Japan or South Korea or even Taiwan developing a nuclear weapon is when there is little concern about Iran doing just that. Why do the same deterrent arguments not hold true in this neck of the woods?

Not only NE Asian states but also ASEAN states and all other Asian states are watching what is happening in the Middle East apropos the supposed US security commitments to Israel. If it appears the US is wavering then I would support and agree that the Asian states that feel threatened by China should post haste start to look for alternatives.

China clearly feels it is strong enough to take on Japan over what was probably a contrived incident. Asia is watching this one very carefully. Will the US show some leadership or just sit on its hands?