IMHO several things need revamping.

First as said above PLDC or WLC now, BNOC and ANOC needs revamping to actually teach someting of value. I heard a rumor that since so many people were failing land nav they were going to quit teaching it or at least make it a self correcting course ie if you fail the land nav you still pass the course in WLC.

The NCOER system should be done away with or changed to be its original intent. As it stands now a bad NCOER can kill any future promotions and your military carear is over. I have NEVER met an NCO or Officer that was perfect. The NCOER and OER's should reflect the true evaluation of the NCO or Officer. How else are they to learn? If they are not going to be honest on the NCOER then what is the point except for some petty NCO evaluater being able to make his subornates dance on a rope at his whim and distract from their true job. The current checkbox system does just that. If an NCO is weak in a certin area his eval should be able to show that without repurcussions to the NCO. He/she may be an exellant NCO but need work in a couple of areas. IMHO the NCOER should NOT be a part of the promotion packet, just a yes or no from the NCO's next chain of command in do they recommend them for promotion.

Last. No system is going to be perfect but the current system we have has degraded over the years to make the NCO's worry more about getting theior ticket's punched than being a true leader.