Quote Originally Posted by Boondoggle View Post

There's a lawfare lesson in there: Don't get caught doing anything that lends itself to a (fairly) straightforward criminal case. Here, Siddiqui picks up a rifle and shoots a soldier. If she doesn't do that, they either have to send her to Gitmo or try her based on her participation in various plots which brings all sorts of side effects that we've been trying to avoid (CIA, potential torture of witnesses, methods etc...) If I'm AQ I make it SOP that when I'm caught, take the fight to us through the courts, not with your hands.

And this is probably appropriate for this thread, been following for a few weeks, I might start commenting occasionally on their blog here since they're not taking comments (they're scared of the mud):

I see your point here and I agree from a metaphysical standpoint. However it seems that jihadists just don't do a good job of seeing that there are often better ways to fight your enemy than simply trying to kill them. Case in point- Maj. Hasan- he could have done far more damage to our cause in A-stan if he'd gone mole and deployed. No disrespect to our fallen in TX, but many more could have died in Hasan cued ambushes.