What I am saying is that if EVERY Marine is a rifleman than there should be one rifleman standard. Once a student gets to their specific MOS producing school there should be another standard for PT that needs to be met. For instance when you go to IOC to become a Marine Infantry Officer you have to pass the Combat Endurance Test. That is not the standard for the Communications Officer that is going to his/her follow on school after TBS.

Kipping pull ups are a nice trick, but more a test of technique than physical strength.
Not an entirely true statement. There is a technique, I do not disagree with that at all. But there is a techniques to climbing a tree as well and I guarantee you that it looks more like a kipping pullup that a dead hang pullup. And also I would doubt that on a consistent basis you would be capable of jumping through multiple windows and over multiple walls in country (full combat load) without executing some sort of kipping.

Which brings about the question WHY do we have a PT standard at all? Is it for promotion? Is qualify people to be a part of the service? Is it to separate the services? Why don't we look at that question as well. Regardless though going back to the original argument the reason I said kipping pullups is because it is functional and then you wouldn't have to scale that portion for women. Also it would tie into the concept that every Marine is a rifleman. The implied statement there is that you will be exercising the muscles that make it capable for you to be able to climb over walls and through windows amongst many other things a strong back and abs will do for you.

Which brings me back to if every Marine is a rifleman and we all need to be able to accomplish the same task, the standard needs to be that when I ask a female to get over a wall in country or she needs to get through a window she has the ability and has been held to the standard of exercising those muscles that will allow her to accomplish the mission. I do not believe that a flex arm hang mental prepares her for the challenges she may face.