This is a great thread and one of the most challenging, and relevant I have come across...

In regards to CPT Semrau, would his offence have been the same had he:

done nothing and just let him expire in his own time i.e. an act of omission?

rendered first aid, prolonging the Taliban's life and pain in the knowledge that he would die anyway?

rendered first aid but OD'd the PW on morphine, thus also wasting an asset he or his troops might need later? Ditto for caring for him and calling in a casevac in accordance with the letter of the 'law'?

double-tapped him on his way past as a potential threat?

In at least two of those options, one might argue that the pain and suffering of the wounded Taliban would not only have been greater but that the Canadian soldiers would have known that to be the case. Perhaps there lies the rub between a moral offence and a legal one?