Hi David,

My suggestion would be along the lines of "Specially Protected Persons in Combat Situations" (as titled above).

So far a number of those "special protectees" have been mentioned:

1. child soldiers
2. children in general
3. civilians in general
4. persons held under a belligerent's power (de hors rule #1)
5. persons wounded (de hors rule #2)
6. persons surrendering (de hors rule #3)
7. medical rescuers (military & civilian)

We might subtitle it:

"How honest, law-abiding regular forces are getting their arses shot off because a cloud-cuckoo-wunderland morass has been imposed on them to create criminal sanctions against dishonest, law-shirking regular and irregular forces who could care less because the Hague is too remote."

with credits to Tukhii and NZ O'Neill.

The subtitle is too long, but I'll pick up the theme in my next post.

