Quote Originally Posted by jmm99 View Post
each instance where civilians were targeted:

as opposed to strategic sites being targeted with civilians being killed or wounded because of their proximity.

You could argue that WWII and Korea War targeting were determined using different constructs of military necessity and proportionality - as well as the factor of weapon systems inaccuracy (1940 ca. 20% within 5 miles of target; 1943 ca. 60% within 3 miles of target).

However, if there were instances of explicit civilian targeting, I'd like to see them because they would make good case studies for this thread.


Mike, I thought this was common knowledge?

Korean War Panel Finds U.S. Attacks on Civilians

then the air force

U.S. Bombers Hit Civilians In Korea War, Reports Say

A photo of the Rogers memo:


No Gun Ri Massacre

Mike, not trying to open old wounds here just thought everyone knew and had moved on...