I see the point of having a constabulary force with green forces, but my purpose is two-fold. First, I already mentioned the need for putting a different face on the constabulary force. Part of doing this requires a different mindset. I can't speak for the Army, but my USMC training taught me to kill the bad guy and that type of thinking permeates all action. Infantry doesn't tend to be very meek and are probably more inclined to use a heavy hand. The Air Force, however, uses a more gentle means of accomplishing things (obviously I'm not talking about the business end of our aircraft). Our culture doesn't necessarily meld well with a total warrior concept (this was mentioned earlier). This could actually be a benefit when dealing with the public. The first reaction may be something other than going to guns, most beneficial in a COIN environment. However, I am still thinking this through.

I agree that C2 would be an issue, but my idea accounts for that. Okay, I'm probably going to get my USAF designation taken from me, but I envision these constabulary teams being OPCON and TACON to the Army or Marines, depending on who owns the AO. After all, if we USAF guys preach centralized control of airpower, we can't really argue the opposite if we start getting into ground operations. BY doing this we'd also gain some serious street credibility when we talk about jointness.

The next purpose is for the USAF to play a greater role. Sure we do the airpower thing, but we can do more and I think the green forces could use the help. While some of our guys are as overtasked as you Army and Marines guys, a great number of us are not. If I'm not mistaken, I believe the Army and Marines have non-grunts performing grunts functions. I'm essentially thinking along the same lines.