Quote Originally Posted by TAH View Post

The Transformation/modularization of the US Army is a relatively recent effort that appears to be driven, at least to some extent, by the period of extended combat/conflict.

"Flattening" of the C2 structure pre-dates transformation by about 5-10 years (late 90s, early 200xs).

Had a thought the other day of why not making the Division HQs/Base its' own brigade type. C2/staff/HQs Bn + Signal Bn + Troops Bn (MPs, NBC, local security force units, other odds & sods), + CAV Sqdrn/Recon Bn.
Now that's an idea pregnant with possibilites. I can certainly see the advantages of "herding" together all the beaurocratic types to let the fighters get on with it However, I'd be concerned that decision-making in that kind of organisation will be slowed right down what with all the specialists bickering over CoA development not to mention the amount of information that will be sucked/gathering/hoovered in to it for no real appreciable benefit or use. It would be an anally-retentive CO's dream; just think of all that micro-management that would become possible (perhaps that's the real RMA) never mind that the Div HQ BDE has just been overun. Personnally I think a specialist Divisional HQ or the kind you propose would be more efficient if kept to a Bn size, anything bigger and you'll need another layer of command just to sort out the resultant com/intel/planning/MPDP-jam.