Current DIV HHB is 739.

Current BFSB is 1307.

Actually employable elements of the BFSB are:
TUAS PLT x 27 pax (I'm not sure the purpose of this unit? maybe in support of the LRS/CAV)
4 x Scout PLT x 18 pax each (TACON to the DIV G3/G2)
15 x LRS TMs x 6 pax each (TACON to the DIV G3/G2)
18 x HCTs x 4 pax each (TACON/DS to subordinate elements of the DIV- put them there organically. 18 x 5 = 90 HCTs, enough for 2 additional HCTs in each BCT)
3 x CI Tms x 4 pax (TACON/DS to DIV G2- put them there organically)
2 x SIGINT PLTs x 45 pax (probably broken into their component teams) (again, split the assets up into the DIV/subordinates that can employ them)

So, in the BFSB, 363 pax are actually employed in intelligence collection. 25% is not a good ratio. I contend we'd be better off putting the additional assets in the DIV G2 or in subordinates, limiting the coordination necessary to employing these assets, and the overhead that is busy "coordinating" their employment.