Guys thanks for the feedback and insight. I don't take any offense at initial reactions being anger when it relates to combat support personnel conveying they understand the war fighter experience. And I agree there are a fare share of psychologists and doctors who that have little military bearing. That being said I genuinely care about my war fighters and respect what they do. In my experience being genuine, giving respect, and explaining your actions go along way in gaining the trust of war fighters. I don't over do it with military jargon in therapy; just a few select words to make it more relatable to their mindset. I have found the war fighter to be very sensitive to wanna-be 11B providers. I always taught my interns to be genuine and never act like you know more or have done more than what you have. I have deployed 3 times: once to Kuwait/Pakistan and twice to Iraq. I don't pretend to be a war fighter; just a shrink who desires nothing more than to support them and their families. I am in the SOF community now and have found it rewarding to support operators. Please keep firing away with questions and comments. It is appreciated. Sorry it I didn't answer anyone. I was trying to track everything. Have a good one.