Hat tip to Free Range International pointing at this news article on the death of NGO staff in Kunduz recently:http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000...Tabs%3Darticle

When Taliban militants invaded the towering Kunduz villa of an American development agency in July, employees say they were trapped, besieged and soon were dodging indiscriminate rocket fire from their would-be rescuers—the Afghan army and police.
From FRI a comment:
If you are a German citizen you may want to skip this because it is about the response to the Taliban attack on DAI in Kunduz earlier this year by the German military. Response is actually the wrong word, inaction bordering on gross incompetence is a better description of this disgraceful story which should be causing national outrage in Germany. The only bright spot for Germans in this saga was the senior security manager, a German national, who was killed while fighting to protect his clients. I spent hundreds hours of my professional life studying the innovation and professionalism of the German military during the First and Second World Wars. It gives me no pleasure to highlight this story of incompetence and indifference from a military which was once the best the world had ever seen.
This article could fit in other threads, on the Afghan security forces for example and the situation in the north.

The FRI article covers other topics: http://freerangeinternational.com/blog/?p=3656