120mm thanks for sharing your experience and sorry it has been such a negative one. So far my military career has granted me quite a bit of freedom in practicing psychology. I think some of the friction arises when Command doesn't advocate for us, which results in stigma for any soldier needing to seek help. I need Command and families to be my greatest advocates. There are always going to be psychologists, physicians, nurses, etc. who are great providers but do not have great military bearing. Also, just because someone hasn't deployed doesn't mean they don't have the skills to help. They just won't really understand, which is okay as long as they acknowledge that shortcoming to the soldier. For me it comes down to genuinely caring about the soldier and their family and taking the time to listen to their experiences and know them. Having a cup of coffee or a guy swinging by the office to talk off line is what I should be taking the time to do. I just want to encourage you that there are quite a few psychologists who have that mindset, especially in the BCT's and SOF community. Well time to work on some more ILE stuff. Have a good one.