
Nice pull, I've listened to the first one. I hope people can watch this and see how we are employing fear-mongers today on the evils of Islamic ideology just as we did back when Mr. G Edward Griffen put together this persuasive little bit of propaganda. I suspect he was working for the Republican party in the efforts to get Johnson out of office for promoting civil rights and elevate Nixon to the presidency. (Break, just googled him, and he served as the writer for Wallace's vice presidential candidate, Curtis LeMay. Totallly explains the racist bias and nuke the commies message. My apologies to President Nixon).

Communism is not so much an ideology of revolution, but rather an ideology employed by revolutionaries. They did so because it worked in those populaces. They tried to employ it in Saudi Arabia as well, and it fell flat among those people. Similarly today Islamist ideologies are what works with oppressed people in Muslim nations.

Einstein would label this guy "an intelligent fool," I would be less gracious.

It is time to stop fearing ideologies, and to instead focus on the real issues that drive these revolutions, and work to ensure we are mitigating rather than enabling the tragedy through our policies and engagement.

We got on this boat in about 1950 when we modified containment from one of realist blocking of Soviet expansion into western Europe to one of moralist containing of communist ideology within the Sino-Soviet bloc. Ideas cannot be contained, and the real idea in play was indeed that of "liberty," communism was merely the lubricant to get it moving. Today this is still true, more than ever ideas cannot be contained, and the idea is still "liberty."

“In times of tyranny and injustice when law oppresses the people, the outlaw takes his place in history.”Robin Hood (2010)