Quote Originally Posted by Graycap View Post
On the other side the gangs don't accept an efficient state able to perform such a basic duty. So they actually mix with citizen's to stir up protests with calculated violence. Yesterday they have surrounded two police cars and destroyed the with iron pieces. But do not make mistakes: they used that iron poles just because it was more than sufficient to make clear their position. They could use Ak47 if they thought it could be useful.
Some days ago the Calabria's gangs let the police find a LAW72 expended case before the office of the prosecutor that had confiscated some house ti them. Just to make the message clear.

We really need COIN strategy. Not COIN operations. Our army has been busy a number of times helping the civilian police but with no strategy.
Just more guarded places, more VCP. The criminal insurgent take immediately a low profile and after some months they are back in business.
The garbage dumps were made military strategic sites to allow their control by military units!!

We should have more administrative control, more low level control and more civil justice and first of all a strategy towards "the fence sitters" the thousands people that live through jobs warranted by criminal control. Not only more policemen.
When thinking about the various criminal organizations called mafia outside of Italy this quote is almost in the back of my mind: "The aggressor is always peace-loving ... he would prefer to take over our country unopposed."

Brutal and vicious violence has always been a hallmark of them. It is an organized violence administered by systems of rule which are deeply impressed into the populance of the south. Most of the time it seems that the bands don't even have to resort to menacing to extract their pizzo or to control their activities. Perhaps because everybody knows that brutal violence will be used against them if they cross certain lines.
