You need to look at this in 5 year increments, Where do you see yourself 5 years from now, then 10, then 15 etc? Though as a Marine Officer you often have little say in where you go you can steer your future a bit by thinking in general terms. Every 5 years you evalute yourself and your career. As has been stated things change. But in your case the first hurdle is MOS selection, followed by augmentation, then before you know it you are 10 years in and facing the decision stay in or get out. If you stay you face promotion then the 20 year mark (max for Major), 26 year mark (max for LtCol) and 30 for Colonel. Don't even think about higher than that as less than 1% of Col's make GO.

You have to choose your MOS by what you want to do. BY what is best for you. For me it was/is Infantry. For you it could be aviation. Note though that the aviation pipeline gets very narrow once you become a Major, if you like being in command of Marines your options become limited. The same can be said for Intel.

AS for your 'egghead' nature, there are, contrary to popular belief, a lot of eggheads in the Corps. Its not as visible at TBS as there you can focus on physical toughness but muscle power only carries you so far, if the brain isn't strong it will show.

Probably didn't help you too much, good luck. Semper Fi