Quote Originally Posted by Geronimo53 View Post
Future of the Army MRAP Force

I propose that the future Army MRAP allocations be limited to:
1. CENTCOM Theater then into Army Preposition Stock (APS) locations
2. Specified active army installations (shared training asset)
3. National Guard/Reserve Mobilization Training sites
4. Combat Training Centers [/B]

There is no need to distribute MRAPs down to every Army BCT or even form specialized MRAP units within those BCTs.
I would suggest expanding your unit profile beyond just BCTs. Route Clearance Engineer Companies and Combat Support MP Companies who patrol MSRs are two obvious canidates for MRAPs as organic systems as opposed to for deployment only.

Each of the National Guard Maneuver Enhancement Brigades will inlcude a combat arms bn (Infantry, CAB or Cav/Recon) as a rear area combat force. I think that should be another canidate.

There is also a need/requirement to train the system mantainers/mechanics.