Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
An Infantryman in Afghanistan just recently wrote me in an e-mail that "...the MRAP is an invention of the devil..." He contends it is destroying tactical skills and is leading to more not fewer IED hits.

I strongly concurred. If I understand those who favor it, you're saying that an overlarge, unwieldy vehicle that is an armored cocoon which discourages patrolling and fosters inaction by soldiers is desirable.

Further, you're doing that in spite of the fact that one cannot add enough armor to protect against all fire or explosive effects. Favoring doing the expected thing in a monster vehicle that actually impedes tactical flexibility, fosters a desire to not leave that protective womb, that is excessively expensive in all aspects for benefit derived and which has no place in mid or higher intensity warfare and that is inimical to proper conduct of low intensity warfare is fascinating. Still scary...

One achieves tactical dominance by simply being competent, doing the unexpected and being agile, not by being protected.
You left out "killing the enemy."