Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
1-He clearly meant to revise his book before final publication.
Very true but what he left was and is fit for purpose. He was clearly a perfectionist and we have no indications as to any major shortcomings.
2-There are TWO kinds of War and which type of War you are going to fight is the Supreme question,the Strategic question to ask.
I don't agree. To me he is saying there will be two broad military objectives. Those are not "strategy," but the military contribution TO strategy. This is also largely irrelevant, as it would more pertain to "Operations." The mechanical linkage of Tactics to Strategy.
3-The POLITICAL objective was, is and always will be the ultimate guidance on the conduct the War. The POLITICAL objective defines what winning is, not the military objective.
Have a banana! Correct, BUT the military must have a task suited to military means, and 99% of the time that will be use violence in support of the Policy.