Quote Originally Posted by M.L. View Post
I doubt there is anyone contributing to this forum that has more experience with air mobility than I do.
As an aside, that's a bad bet around here, surprising folks pop out of the woodwork to respond to challenges.
I am telling you, using helicopters as the primary mode of force projection for a large force is impractical. It briefs well, but the cost, maintenance, weather, and fuel considerations make it nearly impossible.
I for one agree -- but no one has, to my knowledge, suggested moving a large force; rather they have suggested randomly moving a number of small forces who could then be foot (or light vehicle) mobile and be resupplied by air sporadically.

That of course implies competent, confident units, not always present and the will to trust LTs and CPTs, not a plentiful commodity in the US Army. Both those shortfalls can be remedied.
It is a tool in the tool bag, but large armies have always and will always move along the ground.
No question. What constitutes a large Army and where and when it is deployed and in what type of warfare it is engaged can however determine the ratio of ground versus air movement. Or should...