Quote Originally Posted by tequila View Post
120mm - What evidence do you have for your view that cultural difference (exemplified, I suppose, by internet pornography) is the principle reason for Islamist suicide attacks, as opposed to the reasons listed by Islamist terrorists in their numerous statements of purpose which almost exclusively reference politics?

One could make the argument that tribalism, the treatment of women as property, violence, etc. are far more prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa than in the Muslim Middle East. Yet we have a distinct lack of African terrorists. What accounts for this?
I'm sorry, I have left the path. I wasn't talking about suicide bombings. I was talking about the overall conflict between the two cultures. The suicide bombing is merely a small portion, a "tactic" if you will.

On the subject of the Islamist terrorists "statements of purpose", you do know that UBL, et al have listed "America's abuse of the environment" as one of the reasons for attacking the WTC, right? I doubt the average terrorist gives a rip about "the environment. There statements are mainly "bull####" imho. They have a few trick ponies they walk out on the street now and again for the dhimmis.

I think it is most likely that the guys who issue statements desire power and power alone.

On the subject of African lack of terror, I reference Marc's above statement about the sentiment that the Arabs once ruled the world, and feel cheated that they still do not.

I also do not see a strong sense of moralism in African tribes. If there were, where did all the AIDS come from? At the risk of generalizing, Africans don't have the history of world domination and civilization, and I don't "think" they have a uniting moralizing religion which will be crushed by western society.

And, oh yeah, they also don't have huge oil reserves to purchase.

As I am dying the "death of a thousand cuts" through your questions, I'm interested in maybe you putting out some of your ideas. Perhaps that will shorten this exercise....