Quote Originally Posted by tankersteve View Post

"One hopes it is not widespread (beyond the Aussie in that photo) and just an isolated case of a "poser" being allowed to do his own thing.

The problem with this mix and match use of weapons is that each weapon has its distinctive sound and the standard response to a AK/RPD/RPK being fired is to let rip in that direction. For pseudo teams it would be an "all" AK situation but to mix it up when wearing your own kit is insane."

Wow, that is a great method there - firing without trying to identify a target. Sounds like a great TTP for the COIN environmetn. When you are training and fighting with indigenous forces, and they are using AK-47s, perhaps IDing your target before you 'let rip' is the proper method. Your way doesn't sound like a very disciplined way to fight in the present environment.

JMA, while I respect your previous service in a tough war, often you seem to bring very little relevance to the discussion of the present fight. If it isn't the way you did it then, you give it very little credence. However, we have progressed mightily in what we knew from just 7 years ago, in equipment and training. If you aren't aware of the progress, your statements just look like baiting or an outdated view.

As for the Aussie being a 'poser' for carrying a local rifle, if you are patrolling with a local force as an advisor, and you have intentionally chosen pouches that allow various sizes of magazines, and you have trained to a good standard with that weapon system, carrying the same weapon makes excellent sense. Every weapon will now make the same sound. Ammunition can be shared. And you have shown your partners that you don't need a gee-whiz cool-guy gun (with $$$ lasers and stuff) to fight the same enemy that they are fighting. As JCustis says, 'Building wasta!'

In summation, you responded to a picture with little knowledge of the situation or current TTPs and why they might be applicable, because YOU never executed them. Perhaps you should read more and post less.

We seem to have "read" that photo differently, and I am not going to go after you for having done that.

Maybe you didn't see the second soldier and note that he was not carrying and AK. Explain that then?

When the majority of ones contacts are at less than 50m often less than 10m there is no time for pussy footing around. In fact I recall an external (Zambia) where a group of Selous Scouts (whites) arrived (in contradiction of the orders) with AKs and in gook kit. At some point they got in front of the SAS and got shot up to hell and back. Served the posers right. We had plenty of posers in my little war and they are a type which can be spotted a mile off. There were units which attracted posers and those that chased their asses away. Posing is an attempt to seem more than what you really are. Do you really what that type anywhere near you in a fire fight?

As to where things stand today. The consensus is that while the kit has vastly improved due to the kit burden and the reduced standard of individual training the operational performance is sub optimal.

As one of the contributors here states that one needs to be thankful that today's Taliban are such poor soldiers... I can say the same in respect of my little war.

There are 100,000 troops in Afghanistan. How many are being sent home either under close arrest or just thrown out of the op area? If the answer is less than a platoons worth a week you have a bigger problem that you may care to admit.