In my initial post I said:
It will be interesting to see if there was any community or public involvement in alerting the authorities - parallel to email interception.
Thanks to LWOT:
According to the indictment filed against Mohamud, the suspect came to the attention of the FBI after someone (possibly his father) alerted them to his suspected radicalization.
Possible downside:
Friends and neighbors expressed surprise at the arrest, with community leaders condemning the planned attack but also raising questions about the FBI's tactics in the investigation.The New York Times looks at the recent rash of sting operations against alleged terrorist plots, which some have suggested toe the line between investigation and entrapment. The arrest also prompted fears of radicalization and retribution in Somali and other Muslim communities in Oregon and elsewhere, and a mosque where Mohamud worshipped was targeted by a suspected arsonist this past weekend.
The link has the links to cited reports e.g. NYT: