North Bahr el-Ghazal governor denies presence of Darfur rebels
"There are no Darfur rebels that I know operating in Northern Bahr el-Ghazal. I have never seen them. Who said they are in Northern Bahr el-Ghazal should have told you where they are operating, said Governor Awan who was speaking to Sudan Tribune from Aweil town, capital of Northern Bahr el Ghazal.
The governor added that calm returned to the area. "The area is calm. The general security situation in the state is relatively calm. The issue which created panic and fear along the far north border areas of the state in Aweil North County was the recent aerial attacks there but security there has returned to normal," said governor Awan.

South Sudan minister invites Khartoum to prove region is supporting Darfur rebels
“It time for our brothers in the north to come clean on some of these waves of allegations. Anyone who still thinks Darfur rebels leaders are hiding in the south should come and identify them. Infact, I will be more than willing to accompany them in arresting them in this process,” said Marial, who was flanked by Mustapha Biong, the Ministry’s Director General for Information.
“They are people in the north who do not want referendum to be conducted. They appear to have forgotten that the right to self determination for the people south Sudan was discussed and agreed by the two parties in the Naivasha,” said Minister Marial.
He said leadership of the two parties pledged commitment to implement the agreement at the time of singing in the presence of international community.
"The two parties pledged their commitment to fully implement the agreement in good faith and to the spirit of which it was negotiated but I do not understand why the Sudan Armed Forces launched offensive attack to drive our people out of their homes during registration. Why sabotaged voter registration?" asked minister Marial.
He said failure of Khartoum government to make unity an attractive option to the south Sudanese during the last six year of interim period shows that Northern Sudan is not interested in united Sudan.
“There is nothing that shows the north is interested in united Sudan," he said.
"They have not made unity option an attractive choice during the last six year of interim period instead they made secession more attractive option to the south Sudan people they have failed to convince them," Marial explained.

What ever you or I think (I have no opinion, that’s not my country), he is right about making unity attractive. Just have a look at what North official says:
South Sudan’s secession will rid the country from 3 "lousy neighbors": official
The Amman-based Al-Arab Al-Youm newspaper cited the Sudanese ambassador in Jordan Mohamed Osman Saeed as saying that Southern Sudanese want unity but said that certain parties are applying pressure so that separation is the outcome.
However, the Sudanese diplomat said that in the event of secession the North "will gain a good neighbor and will be relieved from three lousy neighbors".
He did not name the three countries but after the country’s breakup North Sudan will have no borders with Uganda, Kenya or the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).,37126
With diplomats like this, you don’t even need wikyleaks…