Quote Originally Posted by AdamG View Post
It'd be a good thesis for someone, comparing historical militia effectiveness against 21st Century cyber militias ("Can unaffiliated cyber militias stay focused long enough to be effective? Will government-sponsored cyberwar be Anonymous' Long Island 1776?")

At least Assange learned from Dr. Strangelove, and publicized his Doomsday Device.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2010/12...#ixzz17LVRZx53
And yet they can't claim to be willing to release anything if they're otherwise legally choked off. I don't put it past them to start amending their desires to include jets to undisclosed locations & suitcases full of money, but other than not exposing the names it's their plan to dump all the documents they have.

The problem I see with the insurance file is a simple one. Who gains the most from those names? The US & NATO military missions suffer, presumably along with a pile of Afghans, Pakistanis & Iraqi citizens, not to mention anyone diplomatically connected with the US who have thus far evaded angry identification. The people who gain from their release are literally the enemies of the free world. So I am more concerned about some hostile actor targeting Wikileaks participants for assassinations that Mr. Assange seems hell bent on blaming the USA for no matter what.