Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
Yes the walls are an obstacle to infantry. So what do you suggest to overcome this?
First of all they're an obstacle to vision (concealment), then they're an obstacle to projectiles (cover), then to men and finally to vehicles.

An area full of obstacles can be useful and detrimental - depending on what you want to do.

Area control certainly becomes more difficult (unless you have OPs at an elevated position). Off-road movements become at the very least canalized - this sucks in regard to IED evasion.

Infantry becomes canalized as well as long as the walls are too high for climbing over one every few minutes.

Bocages were in part a problem in 1944 because they were almost like prepared fighting positions for infantry (and there was enough infantry to man the positions after the first two days) and because of the mobility impairment. The former is probably not such a problem in AFG because of the low force density even in population centres.

Well, and finally I'm simply too tired right now. 0127 ... too late for writing an epic article full of thoughts about some specific, unique terrain. The terrain is complicated enough to lead to dozens of conclusions.