Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
OK, progress.
Where? I missed it...
That would tell you to clear ground from the air where possible and make maximum use of air observation and CAS on the objective, yes?
Yes. If you have that support available. Not always the case.
Not sure of this but I heard that the USMC now have a 10x the helos the Brits had in Helmand. If this is so then I can't see what the problem is.
Numbers prove little. The Marines also have considerably more troops there and a much heavier support package (which uses more aircraft...). Thus the aircraft : troop ratio may not be much changed. In any event, the raw number of helicopters is slightly important, when, where and how they're used is far more important...

And we do not know those things.

The role of the infantry is to close with and kill the enemy.
they're probably going to have to do that on foot. With or without air support.

As an aside, that described task is not the role, it is one of many tasks that Infantry perform. Saying it's the 'role' is good propaganda and psychological preparation of the Troops (some believe. The Troops don't...) but little else. That's why Armies say it's the role -- not because that's the reality today.

Air observation is handy, no question -- it also does not give the total picture of the ground from the perspective of a rifle platoon. No question CAS is helpful and solves many knotty tactical problems but it's not always available or usable. Even when available in quantity, neither of those things make much difference when two opposing ground elements close on each other.

If everyone just had your magic wand and all the answers, life and combat would be simple...