Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
Well the downside of that is that there is the temptation for the less moral and ethical of your politicians and bureaucrats to, as a short cut, take the law into their own hands...
As you said of politicans...
- which sadly seems to be the case already.
Your proof of that contention is?
Lets sit back and watch, the show hasn't started yet only 1,344 out of 251,287 documents released.
Whatever you need to do for entertainment...
So tell me Ken... is it going to get more boring or more and more embarrassing as this all unfolds?
I say the former but am quite sure you will endeavor -- most likely fruitlessly -- to elevate some things to the latter in your convoluted fashion. You have fun, heah (that's a US Southern-ism with some nuance that's quite applicable...)

Your diversionary prowess is really slipping. That's on display with this exchange. Selil has asked twice "...what specifically, has the United States done in the Wikileaks/Assange debacle that was illegal?" and your quite non-specific but apparently best response is a rather limp:
I like that... the innocent until proved guilty routine.

Pity it does not apply to WikiLeaks and Assange.
Yet again you've been called out on bogus comments by others and have no real response, merely adding more innuendo as a feeble attempt to counter...