Quote Originally Posted by selil View Post
The problem with the insurance file is the use of it as has been done. Holding a secret hammer supposedly over the head of everybody is ironically exactly what Wikileaks is supposed to be fighting. The power of hiding information. That position and several other ironic statements from the relatively immature group running Wikileaks is more frightful than the bumbling by national governments.

There are various groups who have fought the issues of secrecy in government used to abuse populations for a long time. Wikileaks has not risen to that occasion, nor strengthened the position of the community, nor worked to better society. There is to much cause celebre' for my taste.
They would be crazy if they did not have such a plan. In the old days people used to lodge an envelope with their attorney with the instructions "Open in the event of my death". And of course you never know what those crazy people in the CIA might have been planning.