
In addition you can put the operations in Congo Brazzaville in 1997 and the operation in Liberia in 2003 or Artemis in 2004. Or the early stage of Licorne in Ivory Coast.

300 well trained troops as legionaires/special ops or shock paratroopers are much more than enough to resist and secure almost anything in Sub saharian Africa and give time to evacuate or bring additional troops.

Against South African soldiers may be not, but we are talking, I believe of troops from mighty powers as Cameroune, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire... Not even talking about Tchad or Republique Centre Africaine...

The balance does not only depend on the numerous ratio but also in fire power and deterence capacity. A well trained platton with anti tank armament and snipe capacity + a limited air support can do a lot against a bunch of crazy guys with AK a few RPG7.

300 troops is more than enough for immediat response to any threat against Wade and establish a "tete de pont" for bigger evacuation almost any where on the continent.