I'm not at all convinced that the situation in Mexico can reasonably be described as "insurgency", or that the cartels want State power, which in many ways would be awkward for them. They are probably best off with what they've got: a government that is sovereign, limiting opportunities for foreign action against them, but ineffectual, limiting opportunities for domestic action against them. They seem less concerned with seizing state power than with limiting the ability of the state to constrain their business, and with suppressing competing cartels.

I'm also not at all convinced that the insurgency in Afghanistan is anything other than an attempted power grab. I doubt there's any real concern on either side for quality of governance, both sides simply want to govern, alone and for their own benefit. Seems less a backlash against bad governance (bad governance in Afghanistan is expected), but a simple fight over who gets to impose their own particular brand of self-serving bad governance.