Quote Originally Posted by Backwards Observer View Post

In a war of ideas, how would you categorise "the idea"?
"war of ideas" is a misnomer.

Was the "idea" of Nazisim the problem in WWII?
Was the "idea" of Communism the problem in the Cold War?
Is the "idea" of Islamism the problem today?

When Ends between two parties come into conflict and both have the will, ways and means to promote/protect their ends from that competitor one is likely to end up in violent competition.

The "idea" is typically a tool employed to build "will" among the populace. Critical, but not the bad guy we make it out to be.

Even today Islamism as an idea is not the threat. Dig deeper, get past the rhetoric, look to what political issues are really at stake. Sometimes one doesn't like what the find when they do that, as it causes them to question their "rightness" in the matter.

Smedley Butler had such a moment after his long career of distinguished service. Others as well. Its a dirty business, this competition between nations, and one doesn't scramble to top without getting a little muddy.