Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post
The impression that the UK's role in this case is to gain time for the USA to make an extradition application can only be reinforced by this report in The daily Telegraph, entitled 'Wikileaks: Julian Assange facing US prosecution bid, says Joe Biden'.

David the Brits are letting themselves down very badly on this matter by selling their justice system out to please the US.

Like for Australia Assange has (with 99% probability) broken no law in the UK and young David should have the balls to tell the yanks that both privately and on TV for international consumption.

Assange is under house arrest with $300,000 bail for an alleged series of actions in Sweden that if convicted would receive about $1,000 fine. Yet the UK courts are treating this as if it were the espionage case of the century. How does a judge miss it that the extradition is for the minor sex related offenses and not the Wikileaks cables? (This sounds more like an episode of Judge Deeds on TV but without a judge like Deeds with a pair of steel balls.)

The groveling of the Brits on this is sickening.