Quote Originally Posted by jcustis View Post
i don't know that I care if one of those three assume control. Let an occupation drain THEIR national treasure. There is nothing worth anything there anyway.
Amen. Squared.

Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
I, for one, prefer to hold governments to task. To hold civil authorities to a higher standard that demands that they take responsibility for their actions. To apply the "Crate and Barrel Rule" to them: You broke it, you bought it. For true insurgency the cure comes in the repair of governance. Insurgent violence is a supporting effort problem to be managed while that takes place.
Hardly appropriate to apply that rule in Iraq and Afghanistan, where the breaking was done before the governments now in power existed. It's more like... "we broke it, then we put you in power and you're supposed to fix it. Now. The way we like it, please."

I guess there's room for interpretation over what "true insurgency" is and whether any given insurgency is "true", but I suspect that our ability to repair anyone else's governance is very, very limited.