Quote Originally Posted by Boot View Post
Citizens of this country have the right to do whatever any other citizen can legally do. The military is different, however civil rights as outlined by the constitution cannot be violated, remember that sword is two edged and cuts both ways.
It started with the introduction of females and as they expanded across the military so did sexual tension levels, pregnancy rates and very sadly sexual molestation and rape incidence. The military handled the introduction of women badly (remember Tailhook) and the precedent is now set for gays.

In most armies there is much consensual heterosexual sex going on and now there is no way to prevent similar levels of openly gay sex.

It is the sexual tension that will build in these all male environments that threaten moral and operational function and not the mere presence of females or gays in the military.

As I stated earlier in this DADT discussion standby for the first gay version of Tailhook '91. This is not good for the military.